DARIAH/DASISH Workshop on a Federation for eHumanities and eSocial Science
October 17-18, 2013

Link to the Input Document for the workshop

Link to the first draft of the notes

Slides of Day 1

Introduction to Shibboleth and SAML Martin Haase
DARIAH Java Service Provider Tobias Gradl
CLARIN and Shibboleth - Integration into the LAT software stack Willem Elbers

Slides of Day 2

Introduction to the workshop

Peter Gietz
Data protection aspects of federated Identity management in the light of proposed EU privacy regulation

Ville Oksanen, EFFI/CLARIN

Attribute release, technical and contractual issues

Wolfgang Pempe, DFN

Introduction to EduGain

Brook Schofield, TERENA/EduGAIN

Requirements from EHRI

Kepa Rodriguez, SUB/EHRI

DASISH WP5 to develop the SSH FIM based infrastructure Daan Broeder MPI for Psycholinguistics/DASISH




Dieter Van Uytvanck, MPI for Psycholinguistics/CLARIN
Options for Joining eduGAIN Lukas Hämmerle, SWITCH/ GÉANT GN3plus
General discussion
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